This blog follows a trio of friends who are writing their first-ever novel. It's their journey of the writing process, and a glimpse into their lives as first-time authors. Along the way they hope to share not only about themselves, but introduce you to their characters, the themes that drive their story, and ultimately the Maker who created them all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quick Update

Lest you think we are not hard at work on our book, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a quick update!

Since beginning this crazy writing journey in November 2011, we have written 59,000 words! That's equivalent to 144 pages.


My mind is reeling at those numbers.

While it is hard to comprehend that we've written so much, it is more difficult to realize that we are not done yet.

When we started this journey, our hope was to finish writing & begin the process of getting published by September.  It's October already and we are still writing.  Still wrestling with character development, plot lines, and story flow.  And making sure our story doesn't suck.  ;)

In the midst of it all, we're growing.  As friends.  As writers.  We're encouraging creativity and helping each other develop our craft.

It may be slow-going, but it is worth the while.

We hope that you, our family & friends, will continue to stick with us through this journey.  That you will encourage us and pray for us.  When it's all said and done, we're hoping that you'll be the first ones to read (and hopefully love) the book!

We've updated you on our journey, update us on yours!
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