This blog follows a trio of friends who are writing their first-ever novel. It's their journey of the writing process, and a glimpse into their lives as first-time authors. Along the way they hope to share not only about themselves, but introduce you to their characters, the themes that drive their story, and ultimately the Maker who created them all.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Writing With Friends

You've probably all heard of the game Words With Friends.  It's a fun, interactive game you can play on Facebook or on your smart phone.  What I like about the game is that it allows you to get to know your friends in a new way, especially if you use the chat/message feature of the game.

The same can be said when it comes to writing with friends.  No, it's not a game.  It's simply what my best friend, husband, and I have been doing for the last 6 months.  We finally stopped talking about our dream and actually starting pursuing it.  

Westbow Press published a blog post today entitled "3 Advantages of Writing with Friends," and I totally agreed with the post.  There are many advantages of writing with friends as I've been learning!  I've gotten to know my best friend and husband in new ways.  I've seen their artistic and creative sides that I haven't seen in years.  In return, they've challenged me in my writing abilities, and maybe more so in my editing abilities!

Have you ever written with a group of friends?  If so, what have you learned in the process?


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